
Pathways Natural Living Expo 2019 – Falls Church, VA 

When:  Sept. 29th – 10:00 to 7:00 pm

Where: Fairview Park Marriott and Conference Center

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              3111 Fairview Park Dr., Falls Church, VA

Booth: #2 

Presentation @ 10:30 am  (McLean Room)

The Significance of This Moment in the History of Our Planet   

As the world spirals down into ever increasing crises, how can the World Teacher, Maitreya, the Masters of Wisdom and the Space Brothers help us forge a new destiny for our planet? And how can we serve the world in need and speed up our own spiritual progress at the same time?


Green Festival 2016 – Washington, DC

When: Friday-Sunday, May 6-8, 2016

Where: DC Convention Center – Hall D
801 Mt. Vernon Place NW, Washington, DC
Booth: # 270 – Save Our Planet!

Presentation: Saturday, May 7 @ 11:30am – Lifestyle Pavilion

What Does It Take To Save Our Planet? 

Note: The presentation is free, but there is an admission fee for the Green Festival. To obtain a coupon, please send a request here.

For more information: Click HERE

Pathways Natural Living Expo 2016 – Hyattsville, MD 

When:  April 3 – 10:00 to 7:00 pm

Where: College Park Marriott & Conference Center
              3501 University Blvd., East, Hyattsville, MD 20783

Booth: #147 

Presentation @ 10:30 am  (Rm 2112)

The Significance of This Moment in the History of Our Planet!

We’re living in the most interesting and challenging times. The world is on fire, but there is more hope and help than ever. What are the underlying factors that are shaping our world today? And how can we serve the world in need and propel our own evolution forward to create a golden civilization as yet undreamt of by humanity?

Note: The presentation is free, but there is an admission fee for the Expo. To obtain a free pass, please send a request here.

For more direction and more information, click here!


Pathways Natural Living Expo 2015 – Falls Church, VA 

When:  Sept. 27th – 10:00 to 7:00 pm

Where: Fairview Park Marriott and Conference Center
              3111 Fairview Park Dr., Falls Church, VA

Booth: #2 

Presentation @ 10:30 am  (Langley Room)

The Significance of This Moment in the History of Our Planet   

We’re living in the most interesting and challenging times. What are the underlying factors that are shaping our world today? Who are the Masters of Wisdom and what is their Plan? How can we serve the world in need and speed up our own spiritual progress at the same time? And how does Ageless Wisdom Teachings help us to navigate through these tumultuous times and create a golden civilization as yet undreamt of by humanity?

Note: The presentation is free, but there is an admission fee for the Expo. To obtain a free pass, please send a request here.

For more direction and more information, click here!

How Do We Fix Our Broken World?

Free Presentations & Expos

Saturday, June 27th, 12 – 7 pm
Talk @ 2:00 pm
George Washington University – DC
The Marvin Center
800 21st NW, Room #310

See flyer – HERE                                                               See video – HERE

Sunday, June 21st, 2 – 5 pm
Talk @ 2:00 pm
Tysons-Pimmit Regional Library
7584 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22043

Green Festival 2015 – Washington, DC

When: Friday-Sunday, June 5-7, 2015

Where: Walter E. Washington Convention Center
801 Mt. Vernon Place NW, Washington, DC
Metro: Yellow/Green line: Mt Vernon Sq/7th St

Booth: # 352 – Save Our Planet!

Presentation: Sunday, June 7 @ 11:30am – Lifestyle Pavilion

How Sharing Can Save Our Planet!

The economic model of unbridled growth and consumption has brought our planet to the point of almost irrevocable degradation. Is there any time left to Save Our Planet? This talk will focus on the implementation of the Principle of Sharing as the only way out of this crisis, and highlights the most viable replacements to nuclear and fossil fuels.

Note: The presentation is free, but there is an admission fee for the Green Festival. To obtain a coupon, please send a request here.

For more information: Click HERE

Imagine A World Free Of War, Poverty And Injustice…

Free Talk

When:  May 2 @ 2:00 pm

Where: 1500 Harvard Street, NW, Washington DC 20009 

Click here for flyer

Pathways Natural Living Expo 2015 – Bethesda, MD 

When:  April 12th – 10:30 to 7:00 pm

Where: Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center
5701 Marinelli Road, Bethesda, Maryland 20852

Booth: #3 

Presentation @ 11:00 am  (the White Oak Room)

The Significance of This Moment in the History of Our Planet   

We’re living in the most interesting and challenging times. What are the underlying factors that are shaping our world today? Who are the Masters of Wisdom and what is their Plan? How can we serve the world in need and speed up our own spiritual progress at the same time? And how does Ageless Wisdom Teachings help us to navigate through these tumultuous times and create a golden civilization as yet undreamt of by humanity?

Note: The presentation is free, but there is an admission fee for the Expo. To obtain a coupon, please send a request here.

For more direction and more information, click here!


Science and Nonduality Conference – San Jose, CA

When:  Oct. 24 – Friday, 3:30 pm

Where: Dolce Hayes Mansion, 200 Edenvale Ave. San Jose, CA 95136  

For more information, visitScience & Nonduality Conference

How do we balance and integrate the Being and Becoming dimensions of our existence in a holistic response to the state of the world today?

There are two aspects to the nascent global spiritual awakening that is taking place today, which represent the Being and Becoming sides of our existence. How do we balance and integrate the two? How do we reconcile our timeless, unified state of existence with the ever dynamic journey of becoming that is responsive to the needs of the planet? And how do our actions and manifestations measure against our understanding of unity in a world perched on the edge of self-destruction? In short, what does it mean to be human?  And what is the next step in our evolutionary process?

The dominant understanding of the term evolution is Darwinian, while the evolution of consciousness, an often neglected, critical component of our journey is the underlying purpose of our being here.  And where does the evolution of consciousness fit in with the picture of a non-dual existence or unity consciousness? The nondual ontology, I suggest, also necessitates a nondual and holistic approach to life that acknowledges the challenges of our becoming, especially as it reflects itself in the global crises we face today.

This is a momentous time as the earth is awakening to itself: one that requires a new vision for our future that fully embodies the deeper dimension of our being and purpose, which not only recognizes the unity in diversity, but makes another world possible. What will the future look like for an awakened planet?  And how does the evolution of consciousness unfold for us individually and collectively?

I discuss these questions from the perspective of esoteric philosophy, which gives insights that not only integrate the inner and outer, and all fields of human knowledge, but offers a compass for our personal and collective evolution that ultimately leads to the full embodiment of this awakening.

Green Festival – Washington DC

When:  May 31st – June 1st, Sat-Sun

Where: Walter E. Washington Convention Center

801 Mt. Vernon Place NW, Washington, DC (Mount Vernon Sq./7th St.)

Metro: Yellow/Green line: Mt Vernon Sq/7th St

Booth # 544

For more information, visit: Green Festival’s website.

Talk at 4:30 pm on Sunday, June 1st – at Home and Community Stage

How the Principle of Sharing Can Save Our Planet

The economic model of unbridled growth and consumption has brought our planet to the brink of an almost irrevocable environmental degradation. This talk will focus on the simplest and most efficient way out of this crisis by proposing the implementation of the Principle of Sharing to save our planet, and highlights the most viable replacements to nuclear and fossil fuels.

The current crisis reflects a misunderstanding of our place in the universe, which treats the environment as an externality and does not recognize the interrelationship and interconnection of all life. However, ecological and economic sustainability are inextricably intertwined, and the restoration of balance and harmony to the environment necessitates a more equitable distribution of the world’s resources that meets the basic needs of all people as well as the needs of the planet as a living organism whose healing and well-being is critical to the sustenance of all life on this planet.


Pathways Natural Living Expo – Bethesda, MD

When:  March 30th, 2014 at 6:00 pm

Where: Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center

5701 Marinelli Road, Bethesda, Maryland 20852

(Glen Echo Room)

Humanity At The Crossroads

We live on the edge of a complete transformation of our lives. But the choice is ours regarding the outcome of that transformation.

A talk on esoteric philosophy and its significance in our world today.

With all the attention paid to the Darwinian evolution of the physical body, we have forgotten about the evolution of consciousness. There is a crisis of  identity that underlies the state of our world today. This talk will map out the impact of that crisis in the intricate connections among various aspects of our lives and offers an expanded vision for our place in the world.


